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Rabu, 29 Desember 2010
Senin, 27 Desember 2010
terror from Malaysia to Indonesia (AFF 2010)
PSSI chairman Nurdin Halid said that Indonesia's national team a lot of experience terror when they travel to Malaysia in the final first AFF Cup 2010, Sunday (26/12/2010). One of them, said Nurdin, the troops "Red and White" had time to get physical disturbance during diving practice session ahead of the game.
"I get reports from two national team assistant, Widodo C Putro and Wolfgang Pikal, if there is a sprinkling of powder in front of goal when the national team practice. This makes some itching goalkeeper. Previously, players were forced to wait long for the bus arrival to the gym , "Nurdin said during preparation for the national team looked at Field C on Monday (27/12/2020).
Terror, said Nurdin, intended for three goalie troops "Garuda". According to Nurdin, goalkeeper suffered itching due to national team goalkeeper sprinkled with powder. "There are friends who do not know when the press in Malaysia. The players had to terror from the executive committee before the game is played," said Nurdin,
Apart from outside the game, terror also occur in the match. Firman Utina and his friends several times to get laser shots suspected of supporting Malaysia. Nurdin said, PSSI has complained about this problem to the AFF. He hopes that this issue be a valuable lesson for Football Federation of Malaysia (FAM).
"This incident will certainly be a stern warning for Malaysia. We've officially sent a letter to the AFF our discontent this morning. A letter of protest we will be on the agenda of official talks with AFF consule meeting tomorrow," beber Nurdin.
Nevertheless, Nurdin said still provide more security for Malaysia which will undergo final second leg at Bung Karno Main Stadium on Wednesday (12/29/2010). He also appealed to supporters of Indonesia could act sportsmanship in the game later.
"I think there will be special security just as they played in Jakarta during the group stage. Nothing is to be so special," he concluded.
"I get reports from two national team assistant, Widodo C Putro and Wolfgang Pikal, if there is a sprinkling of powder in front of goal when the national team practice. This makes some itching goalkeeper. Previously, players were forced to wait long for the bus arrival to the gym , "Nurdin said during preparation for the national team looked at Field C on Monday (27/12/2020).
Terror, said Nurdin, intended for three goalie troops "Garuda". According to Nurdin, goalkeeper suffered itching due to national team goalkeeper sprinkled with powder. "There are friends who do not know when the press in Malaysia. The players had to terror from the executive committee before the game is played," said Nurdin,
Apart from outside the game, terror also occur in the match. Firman Utina and his friends several times to get laser shots suspected of supporting Malaysia. Nurdin said, PSSI has complained about this problem to the AFF. He hopes that this issue be a valuable lesson for Football Federation of Malaysia (FAM).
"This incident will certainly be a stern warning for Malaysia. We've officially sent a letter to the AFF our discontent this morning. A letter of protest we will be on the agenda of official talks with AFF consule meeting tomorrow," beber Nurdin.
Nevertheless, Nurdin said still provide more security for Malaysia which will undergo final second leg at Bung Karno Main Stadium on Wednesday (12/29/2010). He also appealed to supporters of Indonesia could act sportsmanship in the game later.
"I think there will be special security just as they played in Jakarta during the group stage. Nothing is to be so special," he concluded.
laser beams are often directed at the audience Malaysia into an opponent in the semi-final match AFF Cup
In semifinal action, the official Vietnam sportsmanship not complain about the attitude of the supporters of Malaysia who frequently directs the green laser light into his players. In fact, the Vietnamese claimed the first goal scored by Malaysia's Mohd Sali suppose would happen Vietnam goalkeeper view undisturbed laser beam supporters Malaysia.
This immediately responded to the Vietnam Football Federation with an appeal to the AFF cast. However, the AFF budge because the game is something that is absolute and can not be changed.
When asked related to that problem, Riedl admitted to not be afraid to support a laser beam Malaysia. Even Austria coach was sure it would not affect his players.
"Laser beams are often directed at the audience Malaysia to the player is very disturbing. However, I am sure this will not affect the final match in Malaysia later, "he admitted.
Indonesian national team is rumored to be heading to Malaysia on 24 December. Two days later, Garuda national team will face the final round first leg at the Stadium Bukit Djalil, Kuala Lumpur.
Determination that the second round match will be held at the Bung Karno Stadium, Senayan, Jakarta, three days later
This immediately responded to the Vietnam Football Federation with an appeal to the AFF cast. However, the AFF budge because the game is something that is absolute and can not be changed.
When asked related to that problem, Riedl admitted to not be afraid to support a laser beam Malaysia. Even Austria coach was sure it would not affect his players.
"Laser beams are often directed at the audience Malaysia to the player is very disturbing. However, I am sure this will not affect the final match in Malaysia later, "he admitted.
Indonesian national team is rumored to be heading to Malaysia on 24 December. Two days later, Garuda national team will face the final round first leg at the Stadium Bukit Djalil, Kuala Lumpur.
Determination that the second round match will be held at the Bung Karno Stadium, Senayan, Jakarta, three days later
Minggu, 26 Desember 2010
malaysia laser cheat (AFF 2010, bukit jalil, Malaysia on 26-12-2010
malaysia football match against Indonesia on 26-12-2010 dikabuti Indonesian community resentment because sporter Malaysia in Bukit Jalil uses laser light to disrupt the concentration of teams player of Indonesia. coupled with the fireworks-like firecrackers in the Bukit Jalil stadium. I am puzzled why these goods to enter the stadium. I hope the party can aff manindak up on this case with the existing evidence.
Malaysian society must be able to play sports. Indonesia may lose but then the truth will be revealed. and I hope no longer fight the battle between sporter. not nice to play and watch the game in peace. Be the nation that sportsmanship, not cheat!
Malaysian society must be able to play sports. Indonesia may lose but then the truth will be revealed. and I hope no longer fight the battle between sporter. not nice to play and watch the game in peace. Be the nation that sportsmanship, not cheat!
Kamis, 16 Desember 2010
HAVE A strong shoulder to make the body look sturdy
HAVE A strong shoulder to make the body look sturdy. When "the he" landed her arms around her shoulders, you would not hesitate to sustain it.
Upper body is very important to support the appearance. Shoulders are wide and strong to make us look sturdy, even easier way to dress. We did not have to bother to add the foam on the jacket to look the field.
Shoulder muscle exercise, not only beneficial to train the body balance, but improving blood circulation that affect the body's metabolism. In fact, this exercise is to support the sport that uses a hand like basketball, golf, to boxing.
Although trained in shoulder muscles, automatically upper body muscles also trained. Special shoulder muscle itself there are three parts that need to be understood, namely the front shoulder muscles, shoulder muscles side, and rear shoulder muscles. The third part is what must be trained either individually or combined.
"Similar to exercise other body parts, training programs provided by the principle of lifting movement (raises) or pressing (presses). The tools used are dumbbells, barbell, cable or gym (machines)," call the Fitness Center Fitness Manager The Financial Club Jakarta Beni Mustafa.
The muscles that make up your shoulder called the deltoid. This muscle consists of three sets of muscle fibers. Although each originate at different points, joined together in one place, namely the upper arm.
Antenor deltoid originate at the front of the shoulder, attached to the collarbone. Its function is to help lift your arms upward, forward, and rotate the arm inward.
The posterior deltoid is located on the shoulder of the back and attached to the scapula. Point to move the arm toward the back and rotate the arm inward. While the lateral deltoid is located between the posterior and antenor. Function to move the arm to the side and help the posterior and anterior.
Finally, there trapezius which is located behind the neck and shoulders. Its function is to move the shoulder blades, holding, raising, and lowering the shoulder, and stretch the neck. In the method of lifting weights, weights can be adjusted to your ability. Or you can also use the simple arithmetic means of accounting for income that can be lifted.
The key, the weight load of 25% - 30% of your weight. For example, you weigh 60 kg, mean minimum load that can be raised about 18 kg. If the load could exceed that, slowly may be added as needed. So did the opposite. However, for beginners, try to provide a stretching exercise (warm up) for muscles not injured.
You can use the exercise treadmill, stationary bike (spinning), cross trainer machine, or other normal stretching. Do it for about 15 minutes. Reasonably necessary for the core exercises took about 45 minutes. There are several objectives that must be known in advance before you practice. For example, maintaining fitness, build muscle, or muscle enlargement (athlete bodybuilding).
New research from the analysts fitness, to better stimulate muscle growth, do weight training program at the beginning for 20 minutes, then continue with the cardio workout in 20 minutes. It is very influential, especially for those who want to lose weight. In the first 20 minutes, exercise your body will burn sugar. Only then burn fat. Exercise must be adjusted to the reps and sets are played.
To maintain fitness, it is advisable done in four sets with 12 times the number of reps in set one, 10 times in sets of two, 10 times in sets of three, and 8 times in sets of four. For the muscle enlargement, using 10, 8, 8, 6 reps. While bodybuilding athletes wear 8.8, 4, and 2 reps.
"The smaller repetisinya, the greater the burden to be lifted. However, beginners can also adjust with the ability. And the most important match with the goal to be achieved," said Beni.
Upper body is very important to support the appearance. Shoulders are wide and strong to make us look sturdy, even easier way to dress. We did not have to bother to add the foam on the jacket to look the field.
Shoulder muscle exercise, not only beneficial to train the body balance, but improving blood circulation that affect the body's metabolism. In fact, this exercise is to support the sport that uses a hand like basketball, golf, to boxing.
Although trained in shoulder muscles, automatically upper body muscles also trained. Special shoulder muscle itself there are three parts that need to be understood, namely the front shoulder muscles, shoulder muscles side, and rear shoulder muscles. The third part is what must be trained either individually or combined.
"Similar to exercise other body parts, training programs provided by the principle of lifting movement (raises) or pressing (presses). The tools used are dumbbells, barbell, cable or gym (machines)," call the Fitness Center Fitness Manager The Financial Club Jakarta Beni Mustafa.
The muscles that make up your shoulder called the deltoid. This muscle consists of three sets of muscle fibers. Although each originate at different points, joined together in one place, namely the upper arm.
Antenor deltoid originate at the front of the shoulder, attached to the collarbone. Its function is to help lift your arms upward, forward, and rotate the arm inward.
The posterior deltoid is located on the shoulder of the back and attached to the scapula. Point to move the arm toward the back and rotate the arm inward. While the lateral deltoid is located between the posterior and antenor. Function to move the arm to the side and help the posterior and anterior.
Finally, there trapezius which is located behind the neck and shoulders. Its function is to move the shoulder blades, holding, raising, and lowering the shoulder, and stretch the neck. In the method of lifting weights, weights can be adjusted to your ability. Or you can also use the simple arithmetic means of accounting for income that can be lifted.
The key, the weight load of 25% - 30% of your weight. For example, you weigh 60 kg, mean minimum load that can be raised about 18 kg. If the load could exceed that, slowly may be added as needed. So did the opposite. However, for beginners, try to provide a stretching exercise (warm up) for muscles not injured.
You can use the exercise treadmill, stationary bike (spinning), cross trainer machine, or other normal stretching. Do it for about 15 minutes. Reasonably necessary for the core exercises took about 45 minutes. There are several objectives that must be known in advance before you practice. For example, maintaining fitness, build muscle, or muscle enlargement (athlete bodybuilding).
New research from the analysts fitness, to better stimulate muscle growth, do weight training program at the beginning for 20 minutes, then continue with the cardio workout in 20 minutes. It is very influential, especially for those who want to lose weight. In the first 20 minutes, exercise your body will burn sugar. Only then burn fat. Exercise must be adjusted to the reps and sets are played.
To maintain fitness, it is advisable done in four sets with 12 times the number of reps in set one, 10 times in sets of two, 10 times in sets of three, and 8 times in sets of four. For the muscle enlargement, using 10, 8, 8, 6 reps. While bodybuilding athletes wear 8.8, 4, and 2 reps.
"The smaller repetisinya, the greater the burden to be lifted. However, beginners can also adjust with the ability. And the most important match with the goal to be achieved," said Beni.
Senin, 06 Desember 2010
Alfred Riedl Lakukan Perubahan Komposisi Pemain Saat Lawan Thailand
Meski sudah tidak lagi menentukan, para pemain tetap akan bermain serius menghadapi Thailand. Seperti ditegaskan oleh pelatih Alfred Riedl, timnas tak inign mengecewakan puluhan ribu suporternya yang sengaja datang langsung ke stadion untuk mendukung mereka.
“ Kami akan melakukan perubahan dalam komposisi pemain sekitar 30 persen. Target kami adalah tetap menampilkan permainan yang bagus dan memenangkan pertandingan. Kami disini bukan untuk berlibur dan harus memberikan yang terbaik,” kata Wolfgang Pikal, asisten pelatih timnas Indonesia.
Perubahan itu juga terkait dengan kondisi beberapa pemain yang kurang fit seperti Hamka Hamzah dan Yesaya Desnam. Selain itu juga menjaga pemain dari hukuman akumulasi kartu kuning saat semi final nanti. Hingga dua pertandingan, ada dua pemain Indonesia yang telah terkena kartu kuning, yakni Ahmad Bustomi dan Firman Utina.
Lebih lanjut, Wolfgang Pikal memprediksikan Thailand akan bermain menyerang total. Pasalnya mereka membutuhkan kemenangan untuk bisa lolos ke semi final. Kondisi ini tidak lantas membuat Indonesia takut.
“ Dengan permainan menyerang yang ditunjukkan Thailand, saya harap akan memberikan ruang kosong pada pertahanan mereka. Sektor itulah yang harus kita manfaatkan dengan maksimal,” ungkap Wolfgang.
Yang jelas, para tim pelatih Indonesia meminta pemainnya untuk tetap waspada terhadap Thailand yang punya rekor bagus jika bermain di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno. Ada empat pemain yang menjadi pusat perhatian.
“ Kita mewaspadai playmaker tim Thonglao Datsakorn, pencetak dua gol Sarayoot Chaikamdee, Striker berpengalaman Teerasil Dangda dan Suree Sukha yang sangat cepat da sering mengirimkan umpan crossing yang berbahaya,” papar Wolfgang.
Di sisi lain, pelatih Thailand, Bobby Robson meyakini pemainnya bisa mengatasi berbagai tekanan di lapangan saat menghadapi tuan rumah Indonesia. “ Thailand dihuni oleh skuad yang sangat berpengalaman. Mereka sudah terbiasa tampil di stadion besar yang dipenuhi penonton. Mereka pasti bisa mengatasi tekanan apapun,” kata Robson dengan yakin.
Selain faktor pengalaman pemainnya, mantan bintang Manchester United ini juga menyatakan Thailand selalu beruntung jika tampil di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno. “ Ini boleh dibilang sebagai stadion keberuntungan bagi Thailand. Di luar itu, jika para pemain percaya diri dengan kemampuan mereka, kemenangan pada laga lawan Indonesia pasti bisa diraih,” tegas Robson.
Mantan pelatin Middlesbrough ini juga tidak menganggap Indonesia yang kemungkinan tampil dengan pemain pelapis sebagai keuntungan. Ia justru berpikir sebaliknya. Para pemain cadangan itu memiliki tenaga yang masih fresh dan punya motivasi tinggi untuk membuktikan kualitasnya kepada pelatih maupun fans.
Pertandingan antara Indonesia melawan Thailand ini akan mulai berlangsung pada pukul 19:30 WIB. Di saat yang bersamaan, timnas Malaysia juga bertanding melawan Laos di Stadion Jakabaring, Palembang. (asp.
from: persatuan sepak bola indonesia
about deck of skate board
Most decks are constructed with a six to seven-ply cross-laminated layup of Canadian maple .Some of them have special materials that help to keep the deck from breaking: such as fiberglass, bamboo, resin, kevlar, carbon fiber, aluminum, and plastic. Some decks made from maple ply are dyed to create various different coloured ply. Modern decks vary in size, but most are 7 to 10.5 inches wide. Wider decks can be used for greater stability when transition or ramp skating. Skateboard decks are usually between 28 and 33 inches long. The underside of the deck can be printed with a design by the manufacturer, blank, or decorated by any other means. On early year 2010 a European Company gravitis introduced the proprietary asymmetric shape, with decentered twin tips to enhance the rider's stance.
The longboard, a common variant of the skateboard, has a longer deck. This is mostly ridden down hills or by the beach to represent the riding of a wave in the ocean on a surfboard. This was created by two surfers; Ben Whatson and Jonny Drapper. One of the first deck companies was called "Drapped" taken from Jonny's second name. "Old school" boards (those made in the 1970s–80s or modern boards that mimic their shape) are generally wider and often have only one kicktail. Variants of the 1970s often have little or no concavity, whereas 1980s models have deeper concavities and steeper kicktails.
grip tape, when applied to the top surface of a skateboard, gives a skater's feet grip on the deck. It is most often black but can come in a variety of colors including clear, allowing the top of the deck to be decorated. It has an adhesive back and a sandpaper-like top.
optional components on skate board
Risers increase the space between the truck and the deck. This allow the truck to twist further without causing wheel bite (when the wheel touches the deck and stops rotating). Wedges can be used to change the turning characteristics of a truck.Rails/ribs
Narrow strips of plastic or metal that are attached under the deck lengthwise along the edges. They are used for additional grip for grabs, and to enhance sliding while protecting the deck's graphics at the same time. Although rarely used anymore, they are useful for experienced skaters that are capable of grabs.
Slip tape
Slip tape is a clear piece of self adhesive plastic that sticks to the underside of a deck. It helps protect the board's graphics and allows the board to slide easier. Another name for this is everslick.
A lapper is a plastic cover that is fastened to the rear truck and serves to protect the kingpin when grinding. It also prevents hang-ups by providing a smoother transition for the truck when it hits an obstacle or a metal pipe or round bar.
Nose guard
A plastic bumper used to protect the front of a skateboard. Used in old school boards.
Tail guard
Is a plastic cover that protects the tail end of the skateboard
Tail Devil
Sparking device placed on the tail or nose of the skateboard
Plastic half tubing that protected the axles of the trucks. In the 1980-85 period, stolen shopping cart handles were cut by some to fit as a makeshift coper
Sebuah skateboard biasanya papan kayu lapis yang dirancang khusus dikombinasikan dengan lapisan polyurethane yang digunakan untuk membuat slide halus dan daya tahan lebih kuat, yang digunakan terutama untuk kegiatan skateboarding.
Ini muncul skateboard pertama untuk mencapai pemberitahuan umum keluar dari kegemaran surfing tahun 1960-an, mungkin hanya papan kayu dengan roda roller-skate terpasang. Kelompok surfing Jan dan Dean bahkan memiliki hit kecil yang disebut "Trotoar Surfing" pada tahun 1964. Pada waktu, itu menjadi hobi bagi peselancar saat gelombang itu longgar. Pada pertengahan 1980-an skateboard yang diproduksi massal dan dijual di seluruh Amerika Serikat.
Sebuah skateboard didorong oleh mendorong dengan satu kaki sementara yang lain tetap di papan tulis, atau dengan memompa kaki seseorang dalam struktur seperti kolam renang atau pipa setengah. skateboard A juga dapat digunakan hanya dengan berdiri di dek sementara pada kemiringan ke bawah dan membiarkan gravitasi untuk mendorong papan dan pengendara. Jika Anda naik dengan kaki kanan ke depan, Anda naik "bodoh", jika Anda naik dengan kaki kiri ke depan, Anda naik "biasa." Jika Anda biasanya teratur dan berkuda konyol, Anda naik "switch," dan sebaliknya.
Baru-baru ini, skateboard listrik juga muncul. Ini tidak lagi memerlukan mendorong skateboard dengan cara kaki, melainkan motor listrik mendorong papan, diberi makan oleh sebuah baterai listrik.
Tidak ada badan pengelola yang menyatakan semua peraturan tentang apa yang merupakan skateboard atau bagian dari yang dirakit. Secara historis, skateboard telah sesuai baik untuk tren kontemporer dan ke array yang pernah berkembang aksi yang dilakukan oleh pengendara / pengguna, yang memerlukan fungsionalitas tertentu dari papan. Tentu saja, bentuk papan sangat tergantung pada fungsinya yang diinginkan. Longboards adalah jenis skateboard dengan wheelbase lebih panjang dan lebih besar, roda lebih lembut.
Ini muncul skateboard pertama untuk mencapai pemberitahuan umum keluar dari kegemaran surfing tahun 1960-an, mungkin hanya papan kayu dengan roda roller-skate terpasang. Kelompok surfing Jan dan Dean bahkan memiliki hit kecil yang disebut "Trotoar Surfing" pada tahun 1964. Pada waktu, itu menjadi hobi bagi peselancar saat gelombang itu longgar. Pada pertengahan 1980-an skateboard yang diproduksi massal dan dijual di seluruh Amerika Serikat.
Sebuah skateboard didorong oleh mendorong dengan satu kaki sementara yang lain tetap di papan tulis, atau dengan memompa kaki seseorang dalam struktur seperti kolam renang atau pipa setengah. skateboard A juga dapat digunakan hanya dengan berdiri di dek sementara pada kemiringan ke bawah dan membiarkan gravitasi untuk mendorong papan dan pengendara. Jika Anda naik dengan kaki kanan ke depan, Anda naik "bodoh", jika Anda naik dengan kaki kiri ke depan, Anda naik "biasa." Jika Anda biasanya teratur dan berkuda konyol, Anda naik "switch," dan sebaliknya.
Baru-baru ini, skateboard listrik juga muncul. Ini tidak lagi memerlukan mendorong skateboard dengan cara kaki, melainkan motor listrik mendorong papan, diberi makan oleh sebuah baterai listrik.
Tidak ada badan pengelola yang menyatakan semua peraturan tentang apa yang merupakan skateboard atau bagian dari yang dirakit. Secara historis, skateboard telah sesuai baik untuk tren kontemporer dan ke array yang pernah berkembang aksi yang dilakukan oleh pengendara / pengguna, yang memerlukan fungsionalitas tertentu dari papan. Tentu saja, bentuk papan sangat tergantung pada fungsinya yang diinginkan. Longboards adalah jenis skateboard dengan wheelbase lebih panjang dan lebih besar, roda lebih lembut.
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