Minggu, 28 November 2010

which should be kept away when choosing women

things that should be kept away when choosing a woman / women to support life:- Just look at it without looking at physical traits, attitudes and behavior.- Impetuous in making important decisions.- Choose a girl who has vices like greed, matre, evil, cruel, and so on.- Have a different religion for the future of a quiet and peaceful.- Has the disease of birth and outside of the inner batar reasonable.- Cover up the original nature that only shows the theatrical pretense.- Not like a small child / infant.- Spoiled do not want to work hard and rely on other people.- Do not want to hear criticism, suggestions, feedback, comments, aka selfish, obstinate.- Have high emotions are not controlled.- Devout religion and want to set her husband.
Thus, female / female / girl / widow / women who are comfortable with us will be lazy to replace us and the rest is up to you. Women do not like being lied to and Be it as it is without artificial

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